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Medieval Studies at UVA

Offering a comprehensive exploration of pre-modern civilizations spanning from the first centuries CE to the fifteenth century. Through interdisciplinary courses and a major in Medieval Studies, students delve into topics such as Old French, medieval Latin, Arabic philosophy, patristic writings, Chaucer's works, and global medieval cultures. With a focus on global perspectives, the program illuminates the diverse landscapes of the medieval world.

Medieval Studies
Medieval Studies at UVA

Offering a comprehensive exploration of pre-modern civilizations spanning from the first centuries CE to the fifteenth century. Through interdisciplinary courses and a major in Medieval Studies, students delve into topics such as Old French, medieval Latin, Arabic philosophy, patristic writings, Chaucer's works, and global medieval cultures. With a focus on global perspectives, the program illuminates the diverse landscapes of the medieval world.

Minor Hall
Medieval Studies

Offering a comprehensive exploration of pre-modern civilizations spanning from the first centuries CE to the fifteenth century. Through interdisciplinary courses and a major in Medieval Studies, students delve into topics such as Old French, medieval Latin, Arabic philosophy, patristic writings, Chaucer's works, and global medieval cultures. With a focus on global perspectives, the program illuminates the diverse landscapes of the medieval world.